Frontier Tech 2025 - Beyond Tomorrow - Download Report

Exclusion Policy

This Exclusion Policy (“Policy”) outlines the specific areas and sectors that 3one4 Capital (“Fund”) will not invest in. As a venture capital fund committed to fostering sustainable growth and ethical business practices, we recognize the importance of directing our investments towards ventures that align with our values and long-term objectives. This Policy serves as a guideline to ensure that our investment activities contribute positively to the economy, society, and environment in India, while avoiding sectors that pose significant ethical, environmental, or social risks.

The exclusions listed in this Policy have been carefully selected based on comprehensive research and analysis, reflecting our commitment to responsible investment. By adhering to this Policy, we aim to promote transparency, uphold our ethical standards, and ensure that our portfolio aligns with the broader goals of sustainable development and societal well-being.

The Fund will not make any investment which is not in accordance with its investment objectives.

Pursuant to its adherence to the Responsible Investing Policy, the Fund shall not make any investments in any of the following activities:

(a)    Production of, or trade in, any product or activity deemed illegal under applicable local or national laws or regulations or subject to internationally agreed phaseouts or bans as defined in global conventions and agreements such as certain:

·      hazardous chemicals, pharmaceuticals, pesticides and wastes;

·      ozone depleting substances;

·      endangered or protected wildlife or wildlife products; and

·      unsustainable fishing methods such as blast fishing and drift net fishing in the marine environment using nets in excess of 2.5 kilometres in length.

(b)    Production of, or trade in, arms (i.e., weapons, munitions or nuclear products, primarily designated for aggressive military purposes but not for defensive purposes or with civilian applications);

(c)    Production of, use of, or trade in, unbonded asbestos fibres;

(d)    Production of, or trade in, radioactive materials; or

(e)    Prostitution;

(f)       Any businesses, if any of the following activities represents a substantial portion of such business:

·      gambling, gaming casinos and equivalent enterprises;

·      tobacco or tobacco related products; or

·      pornography.

In addition to the above, the Fund will not make investments as per the exclusion list below:


By adhering to this Exclusion Policy, 3one4 Capital reinforces its commitment to responsible and ethical investment practices. We believe that excluding certain areas from our investment portfolio is crucial for maintaining our integrity and aligning with our core values. This policy not only helps mitigate potential risks but also ensures that our investments contribute positively to societal, environmental, and economic sustainability in India.

We are dedicated to continuous review and improvement of this policy to reflect evolving standards and best practices in responsible investment. 3one4 Capital remains committed to fostering innovation and growth in sectors that support our vision for a sustainable and ethical future.